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How To Repair A Metal Roof (Fixing Dents & Holes)

Posted on April 26, 2024

How To Repair A Metal Roof (Fixing Dents & Holes)

While metal roofs are known for their durability, they can still develop issues over time. From dents caused by hail to small holes from corrosion, these problems can compromise the integrity and functionality of your roof. By learning how to repair a metal roof, you won’t only be saving time and money, but also ensure the long-term protection of your home or business.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps you need to take to effectively repair a metal roof, focusing specifically on fixing dents and holes. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a homeowner facing unexpected roof damage, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to tackle metal roof repairs like a pro. 

But before we dive deep into metal roof repair, let’s first understand the causes of holes and dents on metal roofs. 

Causes of Holes in Metal Roofs

As said, metal roofs aren’t resistant to damage and rust. Many factors can impact their durability and integrity, which leads to metal roof repair. 

1. Corrosion

Corrosion, also known as rust, is a common problem for metal roofs. Exposure to moisture, oxygen, and other environmental factors can cause the metal surface to deteriorate, resulting in holes over time.

2. Punctures

Metal roofs can be punctured by falling branches, hailstones, debris carried by strong winds, or even foot traffic during maintenance activities. The impact of these punctures can create holes of various sizes.

3. Fastener Failure

Metal roofs are usually attached to the roof deck by means of fasteners, such as screws or nails. Over time, these fasteners may become loose or corroded, which can cause the metal panels to no longer sit securely in place. Consequently, gaps or holes may develop in the roof.

4. Improper Installation

Improper installation techniques, such as inadequate sealing around seams and penetrations or using incompatible materials, can compromise the integrity of the metal roof and lead to the formation of holes. When water penetrates underneath the metal panels due to poor sealing, it can cause corrosion and rust, leading to the formation of holes that can allow water to enter the building and cause damage to the interior. 

5. Chemical Exposure

When metal surfaces come into contact with certain chemicals, like harsh cleaning agents or industrial pollutants, the process of corrosion can accelerate. This results in the gradual weakening of the metal, making it vulnerable to the development of holes and other structural damage. It is important to exercise caution when dealing with such chemicals to prevent such corrosion and damage.

Causes of Dents in Metal Roofs

1. Hail Damage

Hailstorms, with their powerful impact and varying sizes of hailstones, can be a destructive force on metal roofs. The impact of the hailstones can leave behind unsightly dents on the metal panels, which can be particularly severe if the roof has inadequate insulation or protective coatings.

2. Fallen Objects

The roof of a building is vulnerable to damage caused by objects that fall onto it, such as tree limbs, branches, tools, or other construction materials. Even objects that appear to be lightweight can dent or cause significant damage to the metal surface of the roof upon impact, especially if they strike it with sufficient force. 

3. Foot Traffic

When you walk on a metal roof, it is important to take proper precautions to prevent dents from occurring. Uneven weight distribution or lack of protection can cause the surface to become damaged. It is likely for foot traffic to cause dents on softer metal alloys or thin-gauge panels. 

4. Accidental Damage

It is important to exercise caution and strictly adhere to safety guidelines when performing maintenance or repairs on a roof. Any unintentional mishap, such as dropping tools or equipment on the roof surface, can cause dents or damage. 

5. Extreme Weather Events

Severe weather conditions such as strong gusts of wind, excessive snow accumulation, and other harsh elements can exert a substantial amount of force on metal roofing systems, which can result in unsightly dents, bending, or distortion of the metal panels. This damage can not only affect the aesthetics of the roof but can also compromise the structural integrity of the entire building. 

To learn more, you can refer to our latest blog post about metal roof types and styles before proceeding with the metal roof repair work. 

Repairing Holes And Dents In The Metal Roof

Follow the brief step-by-step procedure to repair metal roofs. 

1. Inspect Your Metal Roof 

Before starting the metal roof repair process, assess the extent of the damage to your roof. 

  • Inspect the affected area carefully. 
  • Look for signs of dents, holes, rust, or other forms of deterioration. 
  • Use a ladder to access the roof safely
  • Consider professional assistance if the damage appears extensive or if you’re unsure about how to proceed.

2. The Materials And Tools Required 

Once you’ve identified the damaged areas on your metal roof, gather the materials and tools needed for the repair job. Depending on the type and severity of the damage, you may need the following items:

  • Metal roof repair sealant
  • Patching compound
  • Metal patches or flashing
  • Sandpaper or wire brush
  • Safety gear (gloves, goggles, etc.)
  • Ladder or scaffolding
  • Caulking gun
  • Paint

Having the right materials on hand will streamline the metal roof repair process. But remember, while DIY repairs may save you money, nothing beats a professional who has the experience and efficiency to do it correctly the first time. 

3. Metal Roof Dent Repair 

  1. Please ensure that you have the proper safety gear, including gloves and safety glasses, before starting any repair work.
  1. Begin by removing any debris or dirt from the dented area. You may need to use a brush or a cloth to clean the surface thoroughly.
  1. If the metal is flexible enough, you can use a heat source such as a hairdryer or a heat gun to gently heat the dented area. This can make the metal more pliable and easier to manipulate.
  1. Next, carefully tap the dented area from the underside of the roof using a rubber mallet or a block of wood. Work slowly and methodically, applying gentle pressure to gradually push the dent out.
Dents in Metal Roofs

4. Metal Roof Hole Repair 

Here’s how to patch holes in your metal roof and prevent further damage:

  1. Using a wire brush or sandpaper, clean the area around the hole to eliminate all rust, corrosion, or debris present. 
  1. To create a watertight seal, apply a layer of metal roof repair sealant around the hole’s perimeter. 
  1. Cut a metal patch or flashing that is slightly larger than the hole’s size and position it over the damaged area. 
  1. Securely attach the patch to the roof surface using screws or nails. 
  1. To reinforce the seal and avoid water infiltration, apply additional sealant around the patch’s edges. 
  1. After the sealant dries completely, inspect the repair to ensure its effectiveness.

Can I Paint Over A Repaired Metal Roof?

After the repair work on your roof is finished and the sealant has been applied, it is safe to paint over the fixed area to match the color of your existing roof. However, it is important to ensure that you use paint that is specifically designed for metal surfaces to achieve the best possible results. 

Can I Repair A Metal Roof Myself, Or Should I Hire A Professional?

Although homeowners can handle minor roof repairs with the right tools and materials, it is essential to hire a professional roofing contractor to handle more extensive damage. With their expertise and experience, they can provide a comprehensive solution to ensure the safety and longevity of your roof.

Call Professional Roofers In Northern Wisconsin For Your Metal Roof Repair

If you see any visible signs of damage to your metal roof, it is advisable to call a professional roofer for repair. Although DIY projects may provide temporary relief, professional roof repair services are more reliable in the long run. If you need metal roof repair services in Northern Wisconsin, get in touch with the expert roofers at Prestige Roofing. Contact us today at (920) 791-0414 to find out how we can help you.